The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

– Carl Jung

Hello! My name is Lisa, and I welcome you to Antares Spiritual Healing! 

I've always been sensitive and perceptive, even as a child. As a child, I had several extrasensory experiences, including speaking with spirits, hearing voices, and seeing things that others couldn't.  

My psychic skills consist of the four Claire's: clairaudience (clear hearing), clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentient (clear feeling), and claircognizant (clear knowing) (clear knowing). These talents enable me to hear voices, see images, detect sensations, and have a general sense of "knowing" in simple words. These occurrences held my attention. They piqued my interest in the magical, mystical, and otherworldly, which many people dismiss. My personal experiences have led me to discover myself and embrace my realities, and as a result, I have achieved inner peace. 

I am a Certified Master Energy Healer, Certified Spiritual Coach, Spiritualist, Ordained Minister, and the creator of Antares Spiritual Healing. Antares Spiritual Healing was born out of honesty, compassion, and a desire to help others on their path to self-discovery. My passion is to assist people in reprogramming their negative attitudes to transcend their limiting beliefs and live the life they have always desired. I utilize my knowledge and experience to help people develop confidence, self-esteem, self-assurance, and healthy decision-making abilities and inspire them to trust in themselves and their ability to live a successful and inspiring life.  

My ambition is to commit my time, energy, and abilities to teach others how to nurture self-love properly and support them in healing using powerful and spiritual mind-body practices and affirmative prayers. As an intuitive psychic and lightworker, I can assist you to your highest self. I can use tarot divination to forecast your future and provide insight into your current life.

Antares Spiritual Healing provides services to help you find serenity and balance and reconnect with your true self. Reiki Therapy, Sound Therapy, Meditation Sessions, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Messages and Guidance, Spiritual Life Coaching as well as other Holistic Wellness Services.